Almost Enough

Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew. So, I regret not having 30 charms to send today, but I am sending 21 anyway. Hopefully it is a gift the family will be able to use and make a little money from. 



I could make more, and II might make more later on. But my kitchen table is overrun with beads and I want it overrun with fabric. I want to see dresses for my little girl!


 And maybe even something for my darling boy…

 So,  trying to wrap up the beading projects and move on to sewing. I hope to have something cute in cotton to share with you next time. 

Oh, speaking of cotton… I crocheted these last night for Bug’s Elmo doll. Now he has clothes!


2 thoughts on “Almost Enough

  1. Hello, 2015 Holiday Bazaars… Nov 7th Hermiston Eagles, tables full, Nov 14 Grange Hall contact Doris or Pat for tables, Dec 12 Echo PTA bazaar at Echo HS gym, same day Dec 12 Bazaar at Echo Community Church contact Jean Hampton echo
    Are you going to be listing bazaars for this year? Others might be advertising in Nickel or EO papers in their Bazaar or Community sections. Catholic Church, Hermiston, Lutheran church, Hermiston Pendleton churches, Pendleton Convention Center.
    Thanks Marlene


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